Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Up Up Up and Away

Today was an exciting day for my first graders! A. Few weeks ago we received our caterpillars
They grew larger and larger as we eagerly waited for them to inch their way up the cup to form their chrysalis and finally all five made it!
One day during our Read Aloud time, one of the butterflies pushed out of the chrysalis...right before our eyes! It was amazing. Unfortunately I was too excited and forgot to grab my Ipad and take a picture, but I'm sure the kids will remember the birth of butterfly number one. They chose the name, Baby Cake Pop. Baby McKenna, Joe, Burrito and Baby James were to follow. Baby James had a broken wing, but we loved him just as much (Just as GOD loves all his children no matter how "imperfect"...great lesson to insert there!)
After watching them fly around and drink their sugar water, it was time to set them free...and TODAY was that day! We made butterfly crowns and butterfly wings to celebrate.
Then off we marched to the back playground to set them free. It was exciting to see them take flight out of their habitat. We even got to follow a few around.
I would definitely recommend purchasing the Live Butterfly Garden. It is an exciting way to watch nature happen at your fingertips...literally :)


  1. You are an amazing teacher Penny! The children are so lucky to have you.

  2. Isabella LOVED the butterfly project. She has decided to be a butterfly for Trunk or Treat instead of a princess!! Thank you for all that you do!!
